Q) What gutter should I use?
A) This will depend firstly on the roof area and the number of rainwater pipes then the style that you want. Click here for the method for calculating the gutter size.
Q) What are the recommended fixings for the fascia brackets?
A) Click here for comprehensive information.
Q) What are the recommended fixings for the downpipes?
A) Click here for comprehensive information.
Q) What should the Classical system be painted with?
A) Classical should be finished as described in our painting and finishing page or you could consider using our factory finished Classical Plus.
Q) Can the gutters be fixed direct to a fascia board?
A) This is no longer a recommended method of fixing in the code of practice, however it is possible to drill the gutters on site using the normal procedure. Click here for more information.
Q) What should be used to cut the rainwater pipe or gutter?
A) Gutters can be cut using a hacksaw, the blade should be tungsten tipped with 50 teeth per inch. A powered saw or disc cutter can be used.